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Excited about the "Green New Deal?" Before you go off the rails in support of it, please read this article that shows environmentalists (and Social Democrats, apparently) are, more than anything else, anti-human. Their proposals for energy transformation via the Green New Deal would propel us backward, causing great human suffering. []


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Keith Lockitch did not deny climate change in his article what he seems to be denying is the rapidity of the proposed transition in life style that the Green New Deal will entail, but this may be truly unavoidable if we hope to have a livable planet in the not too distant future. Why not have the discussions of at the highest levels. it is not a legislation with a law. If you trust science then given all the warnings that are being heard all round the world, with the notable exception of Trump's administration, wouldn't it be better to hammer it out now. Who knows we may even have to cut our insane 750 billion dollar defense budget...🙂

I think Ayn Rand's philosophy is insipid.

cava Level 7 Feb 26, 2019

The source is the Ayn Rand website... pardon my immediate skepticism before I even bother to click a link.

And then pardon me for not clicking the link, I need to get ready for work now.


Can you sum up the points in the argument for rebuttal or derision so I don't have to give that website any traffic? Thanks.


@IAMGROOT Look man, I'm not asking you to click on MEGASUPERCOMMUNISTS.COM or, so I'm only asking you do the same for me with your equally radical source.


@Xuande Objectivism is not "radical." People's unjustified hate of Rand makes them blind to anything else. Your unwillingness to even look at the article (along with the others who bothered to comment here) just shows your closed-mindedness. This article talks about how the proponents pushing the Green New Deal are biting off way more than they can chew. It describes how it is completely unrealistic to think we can replace fossil fuels and nuclear energy with wind and solar (the main renewable/sustainable resources being pushed in the Deal). The article does not push Objectivist philosophy at all, it discusses the impracticality of the Green New Deal.

@IAMGROOT Ayn Rand and objectivism are pseudo-philosophic nonsense. She was a fraud. Objectivism provides simple answers to complex problems that literally don't work. Many of them aren't worth repeating, much less arguing over.

It's a cult. If you're part of that cult, I feel badly for you.

But I won't contribute even a single goddamn click to it. If you want me to argue with you over the Green New Deal, I will be happy to, but I won't contribute to the sham that is objectivism in any way. So post the relevant points, or don't. It's up to you.

@Xuande Your comments are only worth another "wow."

@IAMGROOT it's not personal man. If you don't want to post the arguments here that's fine. I hope that you will look more deeply into the cult of rand. Have a good one.

@Xuande ok if megasupercommunists doesn't exist, it really should....

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