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I do not mind the new “Berniecrats.” Discussions with them are fun and enlightening. However, I do have a problem with the “Bernie or no one” extreme-left leaning supporters. They remind me in many ways of the “Trump or no one” Trump supporters. As my mother would to say, “Maybe they have gone so far left that they have turned right.” This is the same group who recently filed a lawsuit concerning the 2016 primaries. Bernie lost the primary elections and, most likely, would have lost the general election due to the Electoral College votes. I believe that whoever is chosen through the Democratic primary process, we need to support. Voting Blue is not copping out but realizing that almost anyone if better then Trump.

SageDave 7 Feb 26

Enjoy being online again!

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Bernie is the left's Trump, which is very telling if you consider each man. I don't think some of Bernie's economic policies are worth a hill of beans or even a small tin, but he's the better man in the same way diamonds are harder than baby shit.

Given the current state of the WH, I'd vote him in for that alone, if he's the Dems' nominee.

@HomeAloneSunday He's the left's Trump in the sense that he is a "non-establishment" relative radical with an established base that will vote for him for that fact alone, despite many not being able to name one of his policies from any other Democrat.

@HomeAloneSunday I'm not making an argument against Bernie. I like some of his policies. I'm just pointing out similarities.

@Gooniesnvrdie I agree in a sense, but "anti-establishment" in this case just means "non-Washington insider." While he's a long-time Senator, he's seen as aloof from what many perceive as a broken and corrupt political system.

The same goes with Trump. MAGA fools see him as a lone businessman rising up against greedy Washington politicians and doing right by the little guy, even if that's exactly the opposite of what he's doing.


I have a problem with all those who deliberately stayed home or voted as a "protest vote" instead of swallowing their distaste and voting for a candidate that actually would beat the Republicans. People don't understand the electoral college and think it's a popular vote distribution, apparently, when in fact it's winner-take-all for most states. It's not always about voting for the candidate you love, but the one you hate least.

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