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The scientific dream that still remains Impossible is fusion the unlimited supply of energy. Will it ever be accomplished?

Marine 8 Feb 27

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There are small scale reactors with a close to break even input/output. but it is progressing slowly. Do not expect huge advances until we can get at least some constant surplus from it. Even tough will be expensive energy for a loooooooong time. At least until you start counting energy used in the production, maintenance and parts of the reactor.

They need to find a magnet that is so powerful and that has escaped them to date.


Slowly, scientists are getting to the point that they can create a fusion reaction that can be contained and, in time, they can find a way to sustain the reaction with a positive production of energy. So, yes. It will happen some day.


What was called cold fusion probably isn’t really fusion, but it seems to be progressing apace under the name of LENR. I look for some dramatic advances soon.


The Sun, which shines from fusion of hydrogen, produces all we need. All we must do is harvest it. If a corporation had the ability to make power with fusion here on Earth, they would try to drive all other energy suppliers out of business and then raise the price of energy until only the rich could afford it, like medicine. Each person needs to be able to take energy from the sun without the need of corporate greed.


Fission is relatively easy today but carries with it high danger that the world is rejecting. Fusion while it would be safer remains a dream, It would be able to produce unlimited power and would remove millions from energy poverty while providing economic miracles. Someday maybe!

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