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There is no such thing as good people who fail to act, good people are the ones by definition who do act

Renickulous 7 Feb 27

Enjoy being online again!

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I disagree. Everyone has unclear vision and sometimes fails to accurately assess a situation or fails to act. This is a separate issue from the preponderance of assessments and actions a person takes in life, or whether their basic intentions are malevolent or not. Or what their current state of moral, intellectual and moral evolution is.

My father was a good man, and the fact that as a product of his time he had certain preconceived notions about god, minorities, youth, etc., or that he was somewhat gruff and emotionally withheld, does not change that overall fact of his character.


Yes ~

Varn Level 8 Feb 27, 2019

Maybe people who act are not just good but brave too.

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