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Has anyone had any naked dreams? I dreamt that I was away somewhere and only had a towel and pj bottoms on. Of course no one stopped me. I was desperately trying to get to a supermarket (Sainsburys...for the Brits...which I never go in). Then in my weird dream state I kept bumping into student nurses and rejected all the clothes they had to sell. In fact all I ended up with was a pair of white knickers. Dreams are your brains way of de fragging...but wtf??

Amisja 8 Feb 28

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No. My dreams last night involved a polar bear we had as a pet getting out if control. I do not own a polar bear, btw.?

Tilia Level 7 Mar 1, 2019

Good...I was worried there 😉


i've had something similar. not sure what it signifies but don't think it's anything good.


I think your dream represents anxiety and loss of control. ?

Does it?

@Amisja If my memory serves me correctly. I knew a little about dream stuff years ago and I think that anxiety is involved. I used to dream about losing all my teeth which represents loss of control. Snakes are usually associated with sexual suppression or something like that. I think dreaming of water has to do with heightened emotions. Look it up on Google and I bet you will find something on there about it. Of course it all depends on whether or not your a believer in that kind of thing. ?


I remember one I had from a long time ago, where I was out walking around and realized I didn't have on any pants or underwear, and I was horrified.

I know right?? Its awful


I use to levitate in a naked dream, been years ago!


@Amisja I thought so too, but what fun i had flying around, lol

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