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To keep abortion in todays environment we must get human morality to evolve also.

Marine 8 Mar 1

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Let's start by worrying less about the "unborn" and dealing with the problems facing the already born.

It is the unborn that will soon be the problem of today.


The evolution over time of the human body has produced what we are today. But the question arises has the mind evolved greatly over this same time period. If we compare humans from 300 years ago people have grown taller,stronger and their minds have become better educated however the ethics concerning the birth of a child hasn't changed to the same degree over these last 300 years mainly due to religion.The population of the earth was not causing any problems 300 years ago. The same cannot be said today. We see food crisis, water problems, disease,living conditions and economic problems plus many more due to the increase of the population in the world.This is where the ethics becomes important. We need to control the growth of the number of people on this planet and that means abortion and the need for contraception will both play a very Important role but they are opposed by many religions. Morality and ethics must change within these religious sects if the planet is to survive.

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