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Regarding the recent twitter posts by Terry Crews about how kids who don't have a mother/father figure are "malnourished" in terms of a loving environment as he sees a mother and father as minerals and vitamins, is he suggesting open marriage? More minerals/vitamins makes for a stronger person, right? lol

VineetHonkan 7 Mar 6

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I haven’t seen them, but what you wrote does not sound like open marriage to me. Besides a mother/father figure does not have to be related to you or part of your family. I interpret what you wrote as encouraging people to open their hearts and adopt the practice of ‘it takes a village’.

And I agree with him, children who don’t know the love of a parent/parent figure do miss out on the nurturing that comes with it.

@Annaleda you do realize I was being facetious...

@PalacinkyPDX As I said, I have not seen his tweets, and was only responding to the OP. And ignorance is not shameful, it’s what you do once you learn the truth of something. I think you want a different word there.

@VineetHonkan No, I did not.

@PalacinkyPDX There are more variables than just the gender of the parent-figures. It may be true in some contrived statistical model that there are a few downsides to same-sex parenting but the real world fact is they tend to make BETTER parents because they're far more motivated and clear about why they want children and they also know that they have to do twice as well to be thought half as good.

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