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Just wishing........wishing everyone a good week-end, starting with a great morning.....going to try to learn how to post pictures, ect. today. Feel like I've been leeching, and at the same time losing out on self-expression. Would welcome any instruction. Have a great day.

HankSherman 8 Mar 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Just take a screenshot of the pic you want... Then goto your file manager and edit or crop the pic... Then it's ready to post

@thegreatshadow can help you too

Okay....see, right there "take a screenshot" ....what is a screenshot? And how do you "take" it. Vaguely know there is an app for file manager. See my problem.....?

@HankSherman if you're on a phone, press your down volume button and power button at the same time... That's taking a screenshot...

@Cutiebeauty ??

@TheGreatShadow ??

@Cutiebeauty, @HankSherman In win 10 you can type in "snipping tool". Then click on new. Drag the box around what you want to save. Then click on save, and name it whatever you want, save where you want. In Linux (like Ubuntu) press print screen (might be labeled PrtScr) then crop and save.

Or you can right click on a pic, and go to save as. Then when you go to make a post, click on add photo. Browse to whatever file desired. Or you can right clock on the link and go to "copy image URL" (or something similar). Then press ctrl + V to past it in a post.

@TheGreatShadow I really feel dumb....working with a "nook" ....really funny, understand the words okay, and its still like your writing in a different language. Thanks for trying to help. I'll keep trying...maybe my device can help

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