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I can't stop watching baby videos! I love babies! ?❤?

This little fella is brave.

My children rarely cried during their vaccines. I would sit or kneel in front of them and put their hands to my heart and made them look at me in the eyes. We would talk about anything that kept their minds off the pain.

Oh, how I wish they were babies again!! I miss it all!!❤?

SleeplessInTexas 8 Mar 9

Enjoy being online again!

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I tried giving my 8yo a couple of hershey kisses when he was I think 15 months, because I had read that sugar eases infant pain. Either it provided pain relief or just a distraction, because he didn’t cry. And he always cries, even at his present age. Lol ..I always forgot to bring something for him to subsequent visits.


I used to tell mine during shots or blood draws: you can say anything you want, if you just hold still and get it done the first time.
Knowing they could scream out ANYTHING, they rarely did!

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