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"""Anti-zionist is not anti-jewish."""

The imbeciles in congress claimed they were voting against bigotry.

They were voting for the unconstitutional, and immoral, support of religious-racism.

The israeli government is in non-compliance with international law. They are criminals. The US government illegally gives my tax dollars to criminals to provide them the means to continue their criminal activities. This is unconstitutional. The US government shall not support any religion. Giving money to the criminals in the israel government perpetuates their criminal activities.

Elevating the interests of a foreign power (i.e., the israeli government) above the constitutional rights of the Citizens of the United States is treason.

JacarC 8 Mar 9

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Evangelicals also expect that once the Jews take over the entire Middle East, then the Apocalypse will start and Jesus will come back, full of piss and vinegar, and they'll be raptured up to heaven while everyone else is stuck on the smoking, radioactive Earth for 7 years before going to Hell.

Good times.

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