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I’m alone and that’s ok (she says while wishing there was someone in bed with her).

Marcie1974 8 Mar 11

Enjoy being online again!

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I know the feeling. I have a FWB and that helps some, but not the same as coming home to someone and having someone in your bed.


I get that ??


I’ve been alone for several you’re not alone in being alone! I don’t think I could go back to sleeping with someone else again, although a visitor now and again might be nice.... and no I don’t just mean the cat!


I hear you. Hello, vibrator!


I would love the opportunity talk you why not give me a number and we could see where this goes I love the way you think hoping hear from you soon Bob

dance Level 4 Mar 12, 2019

Yeah but you never have to wash and pair socks, look at the room they 'cleaned' and think.."I'll clean properly when they've gone out". You don't have to watch 20 year old comedy re-runs, or have to stay awake while someone snores! Since being 15 years of age I have been single for exactly 6 months. It was fab.

I’ve only been single for a year and a half and I do love living alone. But it would be nice to have an overnight guest a couple nights a week


Cut me off a slice of that


I would love the opportunity talk you why not give me a number and we could see where this goes I love the way you think hoping hear from you soon Bob

dance Level 4 Mar 12, 2019

I don’t give out my number to strangers

@Marcie1974 This is a red flag.

@Sydland I know....that’s why I didn’t give him my number


A cat helps a person make it through lonely nights.

I have a dog and love him dearly....but not quite the same as a human

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