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Remembering my baby brother Tim, who died 3 years ago.
He was a devout Xtian, but one of those rare folks who practiced acceptance, loved without condition, treated everyone with kindness. Not just a rare Xtian(so many are hypocrites)...but a rare human being.
I miss him every single day.

CarolinaGirl60 8 Mar 12

Enjoy being online again!

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I am sorry for that @CarolinaGirl60, the wound never heals, we just learn to deal with it and adjust. We just have to keep them alive in our minds, as you are doing with this post. Now more people know him and will remember your post.

Thank you❤️!


I’m sorry for your grief. I know it’s hard dealing with it still, especially one younger than you

Thank you❤️. His being so young was part of it. I’m coping better than I ever expected.

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