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I just joined the group "Republican Atheists" because I'm fascinated just what sort of animal that be though I myself am a progressive. It's not under false pretenses as the group description says "Registered Republican or interested in the Republican party," however my interest is strictly clinical. This post here shows I'm not being deceitful in my entry. I won't abuse the add by debating, but rather just observe.

So far, they're just as scary as I imagined they'd be with tired tropes about 'looney liberals' no different than commenters at Breitbart or Townhall websites. Don't know how long I'll be able to stomach it. At least I'll be able to eliminate any dating prospects.

This is particularly disheartening as a tenet of humanism is supposed to be fair and dispassionate analysis. I wonder what the talk of Mayor Tiny Hands will be like?

Note: Illustration for satirical purposes only.

WilliamCharles 8 Mar 12

Enjoy being online again!

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....and they are a very angry and reactionary crowd. I think dumb, bigoted, or apathetic describes them as a whole, very well.


Anyone still loyal to the Republican Party is a nutter and not someone I care to know.


They blocked me from their group. I think It took less than a week. If they ever let me back in, l will see if I can get blocked in a few hours.


I am part of the same group. Unfortunately, there are so many there who have me blocked, I can't read half the posts.
Guess I've pissed off a whole bunch of those snowflakes. They don't know what to do when they're challenged on their positions by someone they can't write off as a democrat or a liberal. So, they block.

I am choosing not to challenge them... but yeah, I'll probably wind up biting through my lip an awful lot. The whole reason I learned about the group in the first place was from a commentor on my post about capitalism. The very first answer I gave caused him to declare that (essentially) I was too stupid to debate and therefore wouldn't waste his time. He declared "Victory!" and turned tail. ?


If I was going there to be a troll, there is a classic case of a troll that was made a moderator to the Conservapedia webpage that went around adding the word "allegedly" to every single statement of scientific fact. ?


What would you do to stop the murder of a human in progress? Why aren't you premptively executing abortion doctors and bombing abortion clinics?


Trumpublicans are cockroaches. Bring a can of Raid with you.

I intend to take no offensive actions in this engagement, Sgt., but a hazmat suit (MOPP?) might certainly be in order. ?


I see in the photo he is using a tank barrel to compensate for his small hands. Sort of like rednecks and lift kits on pickups. Bet it doesn't work right either.


Thank you for drawing attention to Republican Atheists. Bad press is better than no press 🙂 Of course you are exaggerating considerably, but that is your own interpretation.

Your attention is well deserved. Your sense of high and mighty... not so much.

Pretty much a "godless greed is good" mindset, largely indistinguishable from libertarian sophistry or Ayn Randian delusions.

I'll put it to you again... please offer a specific instance of what exactly you considered "trolling." You're thrilled by a little publicity. Here's your chance to slay the dragon. Venture forth for open combat in the arena of ideas... or run and hide.

The choice is entirely yours.

@WilliamCharles Joining a group and repeatedly challenging what the group supports is trolling. Example, like joining a group about boats yet you repeatedly post about how boats are bad and that they should instead buy cars.


To continue with the analogy, your group is about transportation. Trains, planes, automobiles, and boats all come into play.

You have that mentality that conservatism can't fail, it can only be failed. You point to supposed historical dismissals of socialism, as you ignore the many ways right wingers and their predatory capitalism fetish is destroying our nation in the here and now.

You know the conservatives I still respect? It's the ones speaking out against those shitting all over the Constitution regardless of party. And there's darn too few of those.


"I'm for truth, no matter who tells it. I'm for justice, no matter who it is for or against. I'm a human being, first and foremost, and as such I'm for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” ? Malcolm X

This part is most sincere @repubatheists.

Thanks for humoring me as long as you did. You make some cases worth considering though you extrapolate in ways unsupported by the examples.

But one of the ways that I respect humanism so much, is their insistence that ideas go head to head. The world of competing politics and what's at stake means no one can demand a safe space to ride with the training wheels a little longer.

Put your ideas on the table and defend them, or admit it's harder than you thought.


Welcome to the saner side...being a clinical observer is fighting words to have way too much analytical thinking skills to be there without slamming your head on the table...just don't..

Thank you. That made my day. Your words are most generous.

@WilliamCharles Been there done exercise in sense allowing a fellow sentient being lose brain cells...haha


I was new enough to this site that I truly wanted to see for myself what sort of strange beast this be.

And, as the meme saying goes....

@thinktwice Highly illogical.

@thinktwice And Classic Coke version... 😅😂🤣

@WilliamCharles keep a bottle of brain bleach handy

@thinktwice Indeed, though an ocean of it would likely have little effect. As I'm sure you're well aware, it was largely a troupe of howler monkeys ready to fling poo should anyone attempt to remove them from their bubble.

They wear their ignorance with both a fierce pride and an unjustified arrogance.

@WilliamCharles excellent analogy


I just got booted from the group (Republican Atheists) as the originator/moderator claimed I was trolling the group.

I defy anyone to find evidence of that. I contend they are gutless ideologues too cowardly to actually support their own assertions. Not only can I no longer post, I've been blocked from even reading it.

Ladies and gentlemen... I give you your present day Republican Party, and their useful godless idiots.


This be for you, my weak-kneed friend.


Something for the left (Establishment Dems actually) to remember going into 2020.

Painfully spot on.


This comic reminds me a bit of a joke about Bush compared to Gore. It went something like, "Al Gore is like the game show Jeopardy cause it makes you feel stupid by watching it. Bush is like Wheel of Fortune by making you feel stupid because you're watching it."


I will admit that the "not debating" part didn't last all that long, but only because most all that took place there was people reinforcing their own prejudices. The only way to get much of a response other than the "Hallelujah Chorus" was to offer some sort of rebuttal or opposing viewpoint.


Pretty much.


"The ability to observe without evaluating is the highest form of intelligence."

~ Jiddu Krishnamurti


I've been providing a few of what I think are counter-arguments to some of their assertions, mostly in the form of links, but there's not a lot of desire to lock horns in the arena of ideas by the opposition, who in their conversations with each other, are unwavering in their certainty of the superiority of their worldview. A throwaway acknowledgement of the ills of crony capitalism by the group creator, but that's about it.

In my time here ( , I've found little desire across the board by anyone to continue any debate/discussion beyond a few initial replies back and forth, but that's most definitely everyone's individual prerogative.

I'm at least encouraged the the left is more willing to critique their own side through a clear lense. I've seen nothing of the sort at any level by the opposition. They merely ignore the many flaws of the "champions" of their side. In fact, I ask the group creator to give me a name of any "champion" of the economic model she supports so I could read up on it... but nothing but crickets.

If you've ever seen right winger Stephen Moore (AEI?), he's embarrassing as to the level of his incompetence. This is the chucklehead that Dolt 45 wants to nominate for the Fed if I'm not mistaken. I could name a bunch for my views starting with Chris Hedges (for a critique of the current system). Notice the otherwise dispassionate name calling here, @TheMiddleWay. Over there, I've largely eschewed such language.

Anyway, make note that even though I've answered the @Renickulous interrogative, no attempt to respond to any of the questions I put to him. Over at Republican Atheists he's been like a gnat... annoying, but with zero to offer anywhere he's shown his face.

A piece on Stephen Moore.



To this point I've had some respectable interaction (the site creator and a couple others), but my overall take is that they just want the reinforcement of the echo chamber. @Renickulous tried to engage, but in such a pissy manner and unable to even address the topic, I just felt embarrassed for him.

@Renickulous Human


I'm counting on progress from progressives, maybe we can hope that some conservatives actually care about things worth conserving.


[Update] I have attempted to engage a few times in a respectful and dispassionate manner by asking relevant questions, but so far they've been ignored (an upvote or two by non-conservatives there if I'm not mistaken). Mostly what I've seen are the usual stereotypes, both by their posts/statements/replies to each other, and their caricatures of the opposition. There's also a lot of bemoaning as to why their ranks are largely a minority, as if the default position for godlessness should, for some reason, be of an Ayn Randian flavor.


Wow. This is remarkably vile. This is the post opener in a group called Conservative Atheists.

Well well .. who would of guessed . Lil old New Zealand has had enough of the Muslim invasion .. the link is biased because it's CNN . But for once it's close to factual ... Just proves that Islamic jihadists don't have a monopoly on terror.

As if someone feels mass murder is "fighting back"?

Was looking for something else and found this.


@Renickulous (replying to his abortion challenge down thread - don't want this buried in comment replies).

That's like saying you not lobbying for mothers and doctors to be prosecuted for murder destroys your argument... or does it? You feel it is the "murder" of a human being, and yet your own actions seem to fall short of that. Why so? Are there other murders you so casually condone? Why or why not?

This seems to do a fairly good job framing the issue.

"Abortion is the focus of some of the most intense social, cultural, political, religious, and ethical debates in modern American society. Some regard abortion as something people should be able to choose while others say abortion is a great evil which is destroying the moral fabric of society. Many of the debates turn on the status of the fetus: Is a fetus a person? Does a fetus have moral or legal rights? How we define a person and the fetus may decide the abortion debates."



You insist it is human so by your definition, and for the sake of moral consistancy you should be answer some questions about your actions to save these scores of humans. Maybe you even care about what happens to them after they're born. You must be pretty crowded at your place, what with all the adoptions you've made to give these other humans a loving home.

@Renickulous Again, by the scientific standards you accept, answer the questions about your actions in the face of these "murders." You have tge attention of a pretty diverse forum. I'd think you'd want to share how much in depth ghought you've given to your own assertions. Consider my poll question an abstention for the moment. But this is literally "your baby."

Enlighten us, please.

I am certainly interested as I am sure at least a few others are as well. We're conducting this in multiple locations and I'm responding in both. Did I ask you ask the "save one only petri dish "baby"/"baby" baby in a fire" question here yet? Should be easy to answer for you since you assert you have the answer to the "what is a human life?" question.

Have at it, Renick. You got the floor.


Not going to play your game, Renicck. But you have an oportunity to go beyond your false dichotomy with an audience no less, yet you remain silent.

Clearly youve got nothing.

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