Is there anybody who can come up with a valid reason to justify letting someone commit a crime against us?
Is there any reason at all for not exposing the crimes of others, and refusing to be made a victim of those crimes?
If the two questions above make you feel uncomfortable in any way, why is that? Is there a need or a desire to be made a victim running through society? If there is, then how do we solve for that? Does everybody have their own personal limit as to how much of a victim they feel a need to be? What do they do, once that limit is reached? Do they fight back, or just go out of life with a whimper, curled up in a fetal position in a corner somewhere, sucking on their thumb?
Depends of the ethics and the morality of the person in charge.
To allow the committing of crimes against the populous in order to cause moral panic, so as to push through otherwise unpopular laws with the promise of greater safety is a common practice.
The Burning of the Reichstag was a particularly notable example of this, as was the assassination of archduke Ferdinand.
The permitting or instigating of crime has also been a tactic of intelligence agencies around the word for centuries, the excuse always being it was either for "The greater good" or that "The end justifies the means"
Two doctrines I find abominable, the latter more than the former.
I am not uncomfortable with these questions and have no idea why anyone would be.
On the other hand, I don't see a rampant culture of victimhood, either. Yes there are victims (real and imagined) and predators (real and imagined). I'd be surprised to see anything else, seeing as how this involves people.