"I do respect people's faith, but I don't respect their manipulation of that faith in order to create fear and control"
Post from one of my favorite actors; Javier Bardem.
When pressed, I tell my god believing friends that there is a difference between a life philosophy/discipline (i.e. how we live our lives day to day) and this unsubstantiated belief in the "here after". Organized religion/crime scares people into believing their BS for a profit.
I think that is part of the problem. The best definition of faith I have come across "Faith: Believing something you know isn't true." By indulging people "of faith" we give them legitimacy. The end result is the rise of anti-vaxers, flat earth believers, cults and human suffering on an industrial scale. Doing the "right" thing should be motivation enough, why do so many feel they must do it to get into heaven or to please their invisible, unproven, unreachable, uncommunicative overlord?
Yeah, I attempted to introduce that concept. Faith is the lynchpin to their beliefs. And since I can't force myself to turn off my common sense, I can't have faith. It makes no sense to me. Over time, I have realized that more people are really agnostic and atheists, but they just do not want to admit it.
I agree with the other folks who have commented about your choice of the word faith. I can respect folks right to believe in the supernatural as long as it is benign but I can't respect anyone believing on faith which is belief without evidence, faith is the excuse people give for believing something when they don't have a good reason as Matt Dillahunty says or "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen as Hebrews 11: 1 says. Anyway you look at it, it's not something to respect. Hoping for invisible imaginary beings to be real is not the attribute of people I would tend to respect.
I respect the person who is a religious believer because I am a Humanist. I even respect the person's right to believe what ever they think is right for them to believe.
But faith is believing in something without evidence, and more so, even with evidence to the contrary. And that is illogical, and anti-intellectual. I can not respect the concept of faith.
What if the person believes you are a heretic according to his or her religion or world view and you are deserving of death. Do they have that right?
Stephen Weinberg, athiest and Nobel Prize winner in physics, whatever one thinks of the Muslims who blow themselves up in crowded cities in Europe or Israel or fly planes into buildings, who could dispute that the certainty of their faith had something to do with it. In short, they felt they had a right to believe what they thought was right for them to believe. Many people believe in stupendously absurd reasons to justify hate and to kill others. Is this OK?
@Healthydoc70 yes. IMO, people select a god that fits their prejudices/ignorances/world view and run with it. Their god is nothing but a rubber stamp for the BS they espouse. True story, before Desert Storm, we had to endure a Army chaplain tell us that god was on our side and killing was ok because it wasn't murder. I sat there and said this is the dark ages, redux and what a load of bullshit.
@Healthydoc70 Your question is deep. But my answer is the same.
Let me clarify. I have compassin for all humans. I respect the freedom we all share to believe what they think is best. But I do not have to respect thier beliefs. (Some people believe barbarity is okay.)
More directly to your question. No. They do not have a right to kill me (nor you).
I am incapable of respecting "Faith" it is like asking someone to respect a liar for the depravity of his lies.