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Indoctrination is the key, otherwise they grow up too smart and start questioning with reason...right?

EllieUnique 7 Mar 16

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Exactly, Its why so many conservatives are evangelical. They are brainwashed from an early age, and segregated from the real world to keep them from knowledge. Home schooling is just another way to brainwash as well an dis super prevalent among radically religious cults.


The only indoctrination (with my children) that I attempted was to teach them to be learners and to be curious!


Thankfully there is no other type of indoctrination other than religion we aren’t susceptible to it in our 20’s.

There is political indoctrination. Both religion and politics are used to control the masses.


exactly, religion is a meme virus passed from one generation to the next, self replicating and self preserving.
It is insidious.

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