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This is very scary. Women/girls are not safe and I will be calling my reps to find out WTF is going to be done to stop this.

silverotter11 9 Mar 16

Enjoy being online again!

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One thing I find so misleading is that they are not pro-life (life includes all life forms and the more of us the fewer other forms - we are in the 6th great extinction in this the Anthropocene). It should be said pro-human life to be accurate.

Also, I would think someone who brings his religion to a public office should not be allowed because of the exclusion part of the 1st amendment. This crew of criminals are trampling the Constitution.

And it's just creepy.

@silverotter11 It's more than creepy it is frightening. I do believe, though, people are waking up to where this is leading and will take action.

@JackPedigo I tend to go to the dark side when thinking about human nature, Betsy Devos owns or has a stake in for profit adoption agencies. Children have been ripped from their parents at the border and no one knows where all of them are, Jeffery Epstein is a friend of the rich and famous and ran under age girls on his private jet to his private island, the prosecutor has been exposed as breaking the law in the case, that prosecutor is now working for trump and now a trump appointee is tracking young immigrant girls periods and keeping them from getting an abortion if they want one. I see SO much wrong with this picture I want to puke.

@silverotter11 Just be sure you do it on the appropriate person. Things are getting worse (or so it seems - maybe it's always been like that but just not reported). The thing is that when things do get reported more people make stands to correct it.
Does this seem like what is happening with our government?

@JackPedigo Hopes for that went out the window the minute he trashed the woman representative over the soldier's death episode. Kelly is an ass wipe like all the rest in this administration. IMHO

@silverotter11 and he is gone. Of course all of tRumps picks are ass wipes. But they never seem to be able to keep up with the big ass wipe and leave (or get 'fired'😉. Remember, only yes people are wanted in this administration. The last election showed that things can change.


It gets worse every fucking day. I don't care who the Dems nominate, we all need to vote for them. Lets not fuck it up like the last time. I don't mean to sound over dramatic, but four more years of this could do irreparable harm to this democracy.

I saw this story last night and was so upset by it. These religious thugs want to force teenage girls who have been raped to carry the pregnancy to term! I agree with you, we all need to get out and vote next year and rid our Country of these idiot repubs!


This is what kind of government we would have if religion ever got full control of he government.... It's pretty scary Big Brother kind of stuff.

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