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hankster 9 Mar 21

Enjoy being online again!

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Mend Amerikka's Ghastly Attitude.


I'll "Drink to that!" with my coffee this morning!


a rare political post

I try to keep it short and sweet and to the point. there's a whole lot said about it these days despite the fact that there's nothing new to say really.

@hankster exactly. Your post will prbaby be current past 2020. If only our vision gets that sharp by then

@btroje people seem to have made up their minds by now. we can't stay where we are, some have chosen to support corporate fascisism despite their own best interests. they've done this to protect they're false Pride, unjustified fears, and a hate addiction that outpaces any damage from opioids and meth. Others have chosen Democratic Socialism, which is what domestic American Civics has always been. Regardless of who wins the next election these scars will be a long time healing. Of course Americas "sins" are deep and longstanding despite its strength. we all like to decry religion on this site as long as it is not the American religion of Money. Our society worships money and has an absurd faith in its power to purchase all the stuff that can't be bought. America is gravely ill.

@hankster damn hank arent you the spokesperson for truth. Well said. Imo we are at the end of the usa era in the world.

@Bigwavedave it very well may be.

@hankster seems likely. When ignorance trumps knowledge,its never good.

@Bigwavedave I hate to believe it's likely, but this Nation's got some problems. ignorance is functioning like a bit in the mouth of many, I just hope not too many.

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