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The reason D. Trump continues to besmirch John McCain is that nobody in theTrump family has ever had integrity, honor, courage, honesty, or character. Past or present in his lineage.

t1nick 8 Mar 25

Enjoy being online again!

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I think it's just that he found someone he thinks he can win a Twitter war with.


Once a person understands that all wars are bankers wars, then all the puppets including Trump/McCain/Etc. are nothing more than high ranking pieces of the chess game. They are the kings/queens/knights while the soldiers and citizens are pawns. The game is all too clear for those who's eyes are not blinded by the MSM and other brainwashing techniques.


Maybe not having morals is a genetic disorder.

gearl Level 8 Mar 26, 2019

Or in his cabinet!

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