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Just had a nice lengthy conversation with a Jehovahs witness that knocked on my door. She wasnt ready for an atheist with knowledge of the bible. She showed me the parts of the bible that made her a believe that god and Jesus are good and I showed her parts of the bible where god is a blood thirsty, child killing, woman hating mongrel that condones slavery and rape. I found it funny. She read from Jehovah bible and I read from a king James version( ironic I know an atheist with a bible). The same scriptures are rewritten completely different. Hopefully I saved someone today from believing in these fairy tales.

Nathan72 4 Mar 3

Enjoy being online again!

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JW: There lots of good in the bible. ME: Okay I'll go get mine and go find the bad ones, I bet you'll run out of verses before I do.


I didn't know that JW had their own bible. I'll have to get one.

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