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Information realism:

Now there is something I cannot get my brain around.


GnosticLove 5 Mar 28

Enjoy being online again!

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I think this article conflates the scientific image with the manifest image of reality, which leads to the issues it presents. The desk in front of you is manifestly real, you can see it, stub your toe on it, it's very real ( it's real for the individual even if the individual is wrong). Of course that is the desk we experience. Why it is, as it is, is the chore of science and the answer might be abstract relationships of forces.

Isn't it a bit like watching TV , the narrative the show presents does not really give a damn about the number of pixels, or any of the other Tech invested in it.

cava Level 7 Mar 28, 2019

You are not alone...

To say that information exists in and of itself is akin to speaking of spin without the top, of ripples without water, of a dance without the dancer, or of the Cheshire Cat’s grin without the cat. It is a grammatically valid statement devoid of sense; a word game less meaningful than fantasy, for internally consistent fantasy can at least be explicitly and coherently conceived of as such.

Chalk it up to the author having too much caffeine and not enough alcohol!

I am glad your analogies did NOT include "sex without marriage... πŸ™‚

@GnosticLove Those analogies came straight from the article... You provided the link!

@RiverRick One would assume that I had too much alcohol and not enough Caffeine. However the fact is I just can't remember shit.

They call it "chronic white matter disease of the left parietal lobe."

By his description my grasp of information realism (and my short term memory) are fucked...

It functions in processing sensory information regarding the location of parts of the body as well as interpreting visual information and processing language and mathematics.

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