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Softball season starts Friday night. I have one game Friday, four games Saturday, four games Sunday. I'm not ready for this. Spent the last six months sitting behind a desk at work. Meant to get better geared up for this season, but time flies. I'm make it.

Philistrate 5 Mar 28

Enjoy being online again!

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I used to coach girl's softball, middle school, that is already happening. Haven't played in years; pretty sure I could handle the slow pitch with some effort - too many leagues are churchified.
Enjoy. Best wishes.

I'm an umpire. Gave up playing many years ago.

@Philistrate Oh. Went to umpire school when I coached baseball, as I thought it might help my coaching. Got roped into doing a high school game once for my son's team. Never again. You are the man!!!!

It can be pretty tough out there. Parents, coaches, fans, don't know the rules and some just want to be jerks.

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