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William Safire, a conservative journalist of some respect and reknown, wrote a nyt article (Oct. 19, 1992) about Attorney Barr, back when Barr worked for President Bush. He was known as the "Patsy-Prosecutor" and the "Cover-up General" because was known to distort the facts and leave out things that were uncomfortable for the parties he worked. He also delayed appointing a special investigator to investigate Irangate as requested by both the House and Senate. He attempted to delay long enough such the next election would distract from the desired investigation.


This is the reason he was nominated by the president and appointed by the Republican senate. Barr is an insult to the American public.

t1nick 8 Apr 3

Enjoy being online again!

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Watched Maddow a while ago and it sounds as if Muller's prosecutors are starting to speak up and allude to the fact that he is covering up things in the report.

gearl Level 8 Apr 4, 2019

That seems to be the latest. Beginning to look like a cover up is beginning

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