What will Trump's contribution to the presidential library system be? Started in 1939 by FDR, all presidents have contributed their historic documents to this system. Trump neither reads nor writes anything and limits himself to about a 16-hour work week so apart from a bunch of self-serving executive orders that he signed and held up to the camera like a child proudly displaying a finger painting I'm uncertain what the Donald Trump library is going to consist of. I'm thinking the Fox News program schedule and 10,000 copies of Hustler magazine.
I find it ironically amusing that a man who hates books and refuses to read anything will have a library named after him. While we're at it, why not create a class in business ethics and marital fidelity under his name as well and make that a college pre-requisite?
Makes just as much sense.
Maybe he'll leave the pee-stained sheets he paid for because he is the biggest piece of trash known to humanity? Probably the best he can do...besides drop dead.
They'll refer you to his Twitter account.
You may be on to something. It does represent the bulk of his written documentation. What else could there possibly be unless archived episodes of The Apprentice count?