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You struggle I struggle how bout we get know each other and struggle together. Too many men and women want a already together person. They gotta have this they gotta that. It's Doesn't matter if you working towards it to get it. For me I have no type. My mine concerned is your heart and how you treat people. I don't care if you drive or not. I don't care if you working or not as long as you looking that what matter. I will stand by that person no matter what.

Peacefulperson 6 Mar 5

Enjoy being online again!

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I have never met a together person. If you know one please send me a picture, I would love to see what one looks like.


If a person is going towards there goals while they are still struggling no matter if they in their in there 30's or 40's. I will be there with them when then reach their goal because I was there when they was struggling.


I think it's a good thing if people know what they want in a relationship. An honest relationship is a lot of work, so why add on extra work/stress by accepting a relationship with someone whose behavior/attitudes you find morally or socially undesirable? Or, if I have a history of relationships that have brought me pain, it's only logical that I would have some criteria for the next relationship that I hope will protect me from future pain.

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