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Something's not right in Kansas;


"he believes that the GOP should stand up for what he described as Christian principles.

“Ultimately, an ideology that says you can determine your own gender identity is broken and it’s going to lead to a lot of pain, and that’s why it’s important to bring us back to what we know to be true and good,” Teetsel said.

“It is concern for the well-being of others that drives us to seek out what is true and not just for society, but for them personally,” he added."

Angelface 7 Mar 5

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm hoping that the generation now nearing adulthood is well represented by those students in Florida and that they vote and they vote against all the bull shit that the GOP stands for.

gearl Level 8 Mar 5, 2018

What it is, is none of their fucking busines

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