3 1

I need 2 points to be level 2? How absurd.

Patrick 4 Apr 12

Enjoy being online again!

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What Ms Eyes said.


According to your profile, you’re a level 4. The first six levels go by quickly
Do yourself a favor, forget the levels and just engage.

So what level do you actually meet someone? (Asking for a friend)

@Patrick telling you right now, this is an unconventional site. There are people here for community and to meet someone. As we are generally more skeptical, it easier to get to know someone but how they answer questions on a thread.
For example if the thread was about locking kids in cages and your response was, “they shouldn’t have come anyway”. I know immediately we will never share core values.
Then there’s the browse button where you can seek people in your area.


Is that what it is now?

It's what is was for me, a minute ago, before I posted that. Now I'm level two, but I still can't see your photo.

@Patrick probably because I don't have one. Unless you're just seeing a blank spot. That happens sometimes for no apparent reason.

@freeofgod Well, I guess that would explain it. Congratulations on intriguing a person without even having a photo.

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