8 24

New art I did. No, it’s not great, but the message is clear. I am PISSED that Ohio has passed the heartbeat bill. At 6 weeks most women don’t even know they are pregnant! How do MEN get to make laws and govern a uterus?! Under 24 weeks it cannot survive outside the womb. This is NOT a baby. This is bluntly at 6 weeks a parasite. I am so pissed!

BohoHeathen 8 Apr 12

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For me, the bottom line is that women must have control over their own bodies. No woman should be forced to carry a pregnancy she doesn't want...period.


It belongs in the Smithsoniian or the Chicago Art Gallery. Better yet the Walls of Congress.


Forcing women to have a vaginal ultrasound feels like being raped. It's extremely painful. I speak from experience.

I didn't know I was pregnant at 6 weeks.


That would make a great poster. Nice work.


Great artwork but sad for the women in Ohio.


Let's just hope the courts come to the rescue and overturn this policy of government intrusion. This is government over-reach. And here I thought conservatives wanted smaller government and less regulation. They sure don't mind regulating women, that's for damn sure.


I totally Agree, Men in politics are wrong for doing this stuff

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