New art I did. No, it’s not great, but the message is clear. I am PISSED that Ohio has passed the heartbeat bill. At 6 weeks most women don’t even know they are pregnant! How do MEN get to make laws and govern a uterus?! Under 24 weeks it cannot survive outside the womb. This is NOT a baby. This is bluntly at 6 weeks a parasite. I am so pissed!
It belongs in the Smithsoniian or the Chicago Art Gallery. Better yet the Walls of Congress.
Forcing women to have a vaginal ultrasound feels like being raped. It's extremely painful. I speak from experience.
I didn't know I was pregnant at 6 weeks.
Great artwork but sad for the women in Ohio.
Let's just hope the courts come to the rescue and overturn this policy of government intrusion. This is government over-reach. And here I thought conservatives wanted smaller government and less regulation. They sure don't mind regulating women, that's for damn sure.
I totally Agree, Men in politics are wrong for doing this stuff