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If this cop was white, he would be fired for being a racist, and the little girl would be hailed on MSM as a hero for fighting back against the Capitalist Pigs.. SMH..😖 Tell me I'm wrong!

Captain_Feelgood 8 Apr 14

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Brown was placed on restricted duty after the incident and now faces possible termination after an internal departmental hearing. Police Chief Eliot Issac will make the final decision

He may very well be fired over it. Nice jumping of the gun, oh, and did you see the latest white cop get off from killing a brownish person?


1of5 Level 8 Apr 14, 2019

Being placed on restricted duty after altercations like this is regular procedure, and saying he "faces possible termination" means nothing.. I face getting killed walking across the street... So what... Nice job projecting the 'jumping of the gun' accusation there. 😂 And no, I don't watch MSM. Try not to hurt your neck SYDH so much. 😖😊

@Captain_Feelgood the fact of the matter is you're claiming something that hasn't happened yet. There's this thing called procedure that has to be followed, which they're doing.

Nice race baiting, btw. You're getting better at it, I see.

@1of5 I'm not claiming something that hasn't happened yet, it has happened in the past many times though.. You're the one talking about him facing getting fired, not me.. I'm the one saying that putting him on restricted duty IS NORMAL PROCEDURE.. Put the bong down bro... Pointing out the facts and hypocrisy is not baiting. BuhBy..

@Captain_Feelgood If this cop was white, he would be fired for being a racist

Your words, and it's the article that talked about administrative leave, not you. Jesus Christ, you should really try to remember what you type.

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