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I had a dream last night that made perfectly clear that a word, an image, and a feeling, are all aspects of one concrete thing. They all arise from the thing itself, or from the act, if it’s a doing and not a being. Of course doing and being are aspects of the same thing, just on a different time-scale. If it’s too slow for us to see the changes, then it’s just being. If it’s quicker, and we can see the process, then it’s a doing—a verb.
Maybe all things faster than a rock should be verbs. The dogging just ran into the room. Or maybe we are humans, being.

Tomfoolery33 9 Apr 16

Enjoy being online again!

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Time to cut back on the LSD dosage, sweetie

I haven't taken any in a long time, lol.

@tnorman1236 flashbacks....?

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