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What a smashing, and timely idea!!!

I hope the Christians really get behind this one!

Piratefish 7 Apr 16

Enjoy being online again!

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May I please be the one doing the flogging. I am happy to pay for it.


Those 9 to 5er's. I don't like their hours.

I don't like what they did to our economy in 2008. And that was just one of many times.

@ToolGuy It's not accidental that the wealth and income gap started growing wider soon after all the 80's era deregulation. It's also not coincidental that we have experienced several, including one major, financial crises since then, either. And now they have almost completely gutted Dodd-Frank. Not that it matters anymore, because Congress silently got rid of the only part with teeth (prohibiting derivatives trading) back around 2013.

@ToolGuy But none quite so thoroughly and fully as the U.S.

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