5 7

Per Gallup (2016), the US population is:
49% Protestant
23% Catholic
2% Jewish
21% No religious affiliation

Charliesey 7 Apr 17

Enjoy being online again!

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groups like this can help non believers find community and expression. keep up the good work


Too bad MORE agnostic/atheist people don't speak up. I want to believe that our numbers are higher than a mere 21%.... Surely there are a LOT more rationally-
minded people!


Still a lot of protestants and catholics... it may take you another 60 years (2 generations) to get to 50% nones.


The yhou8nger you go the more atheists there are.


The fact is many claim to have a religion but never go to church. They are not really believers. We need them to tell the truth that they don't believe in religious fairy tales.

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