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I get a different version of the web page depending on which browser I use. The irony is my preferred browser is Waterfox which is very similar to Firefox. They are basialy two different versions of the same browser, However, all of a sudden Waterfox now brings up a different version of the site. This started about a week ago now.

The site version it brings up doe snto have the fixed header, as the header scrolls up. There is a capital A on the left and there are no tabs for drop down menus in the middle. I am guessing, but I think it must be the phoen app version of he site. I dont' know because I dotn tuse my phone for web browsing.

Anyway, I am posting this under "Site and customer service." And if anyone else is experiencing similar issues, please post them below, so the people runnign the site can figure it out and clean up any bugs.

In the meantime I have temporarily reverted back to Firefox to visit this site.

snytiger6 9 Apr 17

Enjoy being online again!

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