Fresh air and exercise are great! Just be safe and make sure someone knows where you're going/keep your cellphone on you and charged
Not being your doctor I have no idea if it was good or bad. Come to think of it, don't really care, either.
Just don't hurt yourself, but if you do please don't whine about it.
What is the point of your rude response? If you don't care why not keep scrolling instead of stopping to be a bitch about it?
@OpposingOpposum he asked a question, obviously over exerted himself, and people whining about hurting themselves is, imo, annoying.
@1of5 I don't see any whining in his post. I Do see you being a dick for no good reason.
@OpposingOpposum we just see things differently, then. In my mind you're being a bit dickish, but opinions vary.
Walk all you can. If you stop moving you may not get moving again. I had a L5 fracture and have been doing yoga and walking to build my body back up.NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER SURRENDER!