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I figured out decades ago that I am on the autism spectrum somewhere. It seems obvious to me this is an inherited trait considering many close blood relatives with more obvious struggles with the condition.

A trend I've noticed lately is to isolate myself more and more under the guise of not wanting to tolerate BS. This is definitely a trend shared by many of the said family members. But I'm still not totally convinced this is part of any autism issue.

What say you? Is there a "normally" trend toward isolation and lower tolerance of BS as you age? Or is this more a matter of not wanting to work against my innate autistic tendencies??

Normanbites 7 Apr 21

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Aging brings intolerance to bull shit, in my opinion. I'm 76, so don't be bullshitting me.


It depends entirely on my mood. Some days I just find it irritating and ignore it, other days I want to scream how stupid they are, and at other times (actually most of the time) I like to challenge and argue with the bullshitters! Just call me unpredictable!


I have lost almost all tolerance for BS, and more readily classify a Lot of stuff as BS, the older I get. However, I like to get out & find more to regale my friends with anecdotes!


I tend to want to avoid drama, BS, and generally don't like to be around lots of people. I think as you age you become more acceptable of yourself and may find it easier to accept that you like solitude. You tend not to want to waste your time. I am not on the spectrum but I work with high functioning teens on the spectrum. Some of them want to be included and social but lack the social and communication skills necessary to be naturally included. It bothers them they are not in groups or have friends. Others, prefer solitude and are not bothered at all that they spend time alone. They also lack social skills. They are very content on their own. I don't see it as a simply autistic tendencies based on observations of my students.

Although ... maybe, as we age, we tend to become more autistic??? 😛


I think most people get more and more tired of having to deal with stupid BS as we get older... Let's call it the "Get Off My Lawn" phenomena.

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