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Odd thought, please read before dropping any hate:

"Transgenderism" isn't normal.

Progressives don't think it's normal.

Normal: the usual, average, or typical state or condition.

We think it's acceptable because it is a personal choice that doesn't affect others.

If you want to whine about us normalizing things, let's talk about rape, domestic violence and mass shootings. If you look at the statistics and what we're doing about them, apparently we have both normalized those and decided they're acceptable.


DJVJ311 7 Mar 7

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"Normal" means nothing. It's a completely subjective word and means different things to different people. I want nothing to do with 'normal'.
There's no reason to have an issue with anyone who identifies as something other than
male or female from birth. Who cares? It shouldn't matter. They are still human beings, and completely entitled to the same rights and protections as everyone else.
I question the veracity of anyone claiming to have an issue with it. I also question their
agenda(s). I find anyone having a problem with how anyone else is living their life to be rather suspect. What gives them the right to pass judgment on someone else?

Like I said. Acceptable. Not statistically "normal". I hate being accused of making it normal. I just literally don't care, so I've been accused of making it "normal"... like that's even possible for a statistically irrelevant person like myself who isn't even transgender and counting towards the population to do.


Semantics. The definition of words, especially those that have meaning in the way we live, sometimes need to change.

"Normality" is subjective, too. Who is to say that accepting the whole spectrum between men and women wasn't normal before we constrained the norm to just those two extremes.

I don't think any critical thinker will ever argue for an extreme case. There's always the more true grey area. That's what I think anyway. Other critical thinkers may think differently.

Then you're associating one argument with another that have no association between themselves.This last point kind-of renders your rant moot.

"normal" is a meaningful word in statistics. As a progressive who thinks transgenderism is perfectly acceptable, I am sick of being accused of thinking transgenderism is normal. High intelligence is, by definition, not normal. That doesn't mean I have a problem with it.

The fact that we let sexual assault and harassment go is us creating a norm. The rate at which they exist in our society makes them normal.


I am a progressive that thinks transgenderism is normal and it in no way is my business anyway. I am happy if these people are able to live a life without having to be secret about it and not have to look over their shoulder all the time. Unfortunally they still do because of religious nuts and ignorant people. I will do whatever I can do to accept their manner of living.

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