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I have noticed that there are a lot more religious callers at my door, I try to be polite but when it is the very same people who call again and again, it makes me want to tell them to F*** Off.

meister268 5 Apr 23

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I had Jehovah's witless turn up at my door for the first time in years this morning, after five minutes of me questioning them on things about their own religion that they did not have a clue about, the older of the two was pulling his companion, who had practically gone catatonic, away for a quick and impromptu prayer session in the street to exorcise my evil intent.


Tell them to Fuck off then...or open the door nude or hang a Pentagram on the door or get a door mat that has Hail Satan printed on it..or a sign that reads Welcome to Hell..

I answer the door unclothed. I can see them coming down the street.


Signs for sale at Home Depot, WalMart that say "no peddlers, solicitors," etc etc. Get one!

Most of them don't see themselves as mere peddlers or solicitors. You need a sign that adds proselytizers ... but no, that's a Big Word that they might not understand so maybe something like "including offers of religious information". I guess my ideal sign would be something like:


@mordant if you cann0t have a real dog, I understand you can get motion-activated speakers that sound like big angry ones!

@AnneWimsey We have two dogs and neither of them are intimidating. If I added recordings of an attack dog they would probably vacate their bowels and hide behind the couch.

@mordant labradors, perhaps? Lol! But I up until recently had 2 dogs (both tiny) one was Very vocal, all the time, the other before I got him was Silent with a Capital S. Yet she would enthusiastically "assist bark" him. As soon as he sadly left me, she instantly reverted to complete fact I had to put a sign on the door that says "call my home phone, I cannot tell you are out here"


I thought our modern lifestyle had killed it off. I never even see a Jehovah's Witness any more.


You answer your door?! I just ignore the knocking til they go away.


I felt the same years ago when Jehovah Witnesses used to come around regularly with their pamphlets. So, I decided one day to purchase a subscription in the hopes that it would be mailed to me and they would not come around any more. So when a very nice old grandmother type showed up, I signed up.
That was a major mistake. They then had major hopes that they had converted me and were coming around twice as often and also personally delivering the pamphlets.
IT was not until 2 years later when we finally moved. But they did arrive on moving day asking for my new address.


Take the pamlet the first group gives you and give it to the second

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