Taken from the " ask god" web site.
Question: How do you explain Big Bang Evolution vs. Creationism?
Answer: Simply this: The Gap Theory! The earth has been around for millions of years. I created it, and like clay on the potters wheel, I have destroyed it and recreated it several times. This is what has left the geological, and fauna/flora layering effect the religion of "Science-ism" builds their erroneous theories of big-bang evolution upon.
Ah so that explains the contradiction!
You go a site like that?
Do they still debate how many angels can fit on the head of a pin?
You actually have that much free time???!
I'll go anywhere for a laugh!
It's so long since I heard about the god of the gaps, I can't remember what it was about.
I feel sure they can't offer anything supporting the 6,000 year history of man so that's something..
The Gap Theory is not "the god of the gaps". It is the notion that there are millions of years between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2. It is a form of old-earth creationism.