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@Admin Where is the member statistics info now located? I like to know how many members there are and how many are online.

MissKathleen 9 Apr 27

Enjoy being online again!

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It looks to me that the @admin has peeled back a few layers of code to implement fixes and features. The space is still there for the header info. I think this may be related to the speed improvements I have noticed. So we wait. 👋


That hasn't been up on here for awhile now. I like to see the stats on this site and where it stands. Even showing where we are now compared to a year ago or have something to gage the changes in movement on here.


It's gone.. he needs to put it back up...

I agree with this sentiment. I've done a little of my own promotion for, and I'd like to do more. I have the outlandish, preposterous idea that we heathens might be the only people who can save humanity.

@mischl Based on recent events I'm not inclined to have all my eggs in one basket. Consider other atheist / agnostic / humanist sites for promotion as well.

The others I'm aware of are more exclusively discussion forums. The strength of what's being attempted here is to build more of a community, and to provide the dating functionality as an option for those who want it. I'm not convinced there's a coherent and supportable plan for either or that the site owners have much more than a "build it and they will come" approach, but the price is right and I'm unaware of anyone else competing yet in that exact space. So I'm not giving up on it (though this past week I came to the brink and would still depart if the general forum were taken down again). However I am now actively exploring other possibilities, too.

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