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Really bad timing with the vaccine debate... []

Allamanda 8 May 3

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There is no vaccine debate. But yes, this will give the anti-vaxxers ammunition to use to spread their ignorant and malicious ideology.

@Allamanda Not suggesting denying the existence of anti-vaxxers, but they are science deniers uninterested in debate. Framing their anti-vax efforts as a debate is giving them credit they don't deserve.

@Allamanda Human's are sadly prone to believing conspiracy theories despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. It may be the downfall of our species.


I am not overly surprised. Nig Pharma is a cut-throat business. Like the tobacco companies, adverse effects are suppressed, and have to be prised out. Bribery is rife.
Look at the medical prescription business. The UK's NHS has "somehow" been persuaded to buy certain drugs for more than their "over the counter" price. How many doctors prescribe a drug for which there is a far cheaper generic available.


When $2 billion has been spent there is a lot of financial pressure to ignore the side effects.

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