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Tonight I looked at the puffs under my eyes and thought this is gonna make me look old!!
I smiled at my mirror self and said... you fool, you're beauty ... beautiful is you!!!
I replied with a bigger smile on my face saying yes I'll always be me the beautiful me whatever age or genre cause people will always love me they are attracted to the beauty in me not my age or my flawless skin or complexion .. not my rinkles or is the inside of me... it is the nature of forever green energy and this is beauty xxx

Neenz 7 May 8

Enjoy being online again!

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I looked in the mirror and decided it was time for a Botox 😉


Being old beats the hell out of the alternative. Enjoy it. 🙂

1of5 Level 8 May 8, 2019

They say , " Beauty starts within ."

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