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Look at this girl and tell me how old or "(young ,) "is she

Neenz 7 May 8

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Hard to tell.. lol.. 😉🤗

@Neenz which parts? Lol


Does it matter? It's just a nice picture.


I'd say late 30s to early 40s after seeing you without glasses on. You have a great complexion and I don't see many age marks via skin damage from the sun. Continue whatever you're doing to keep the fountain of youth alive!


But seriously, I'd say 40ish and that's my final answer.


99 years old? lol

@Neenz What a lovely reply. I completely agree and thank you.



The houses are lovely


Judging by what I can see of the back of her hand, not over 50, by when the veins start to show.
Judging by the slight sag in her top, not under 20.
That gives 20 to 50 as the outside parameters.
Looking closely, I reckon closer to yhe upper limit. How about 45?

@Neenz To me, 16 is still a very young child. Women become far more interesting after 35 to 40 years of age, and fascinating once they reach 70, provided they have lived a full life.

@Neenz I'll be too decomposed by then. I'm surprised I've even lived this long.

@Neenz .... and death by violent means? I grew up in Africa. I lived 5 years in Idi Amin's Uganda. People keep objecting to my existence.
I really must continue writing my autobiography.

@Neenz Here's a start.


Fishing for a compliment?


If you are a male, you NEVER, and I mean NEVER guess a woman's age. NEVER! EVER! This a no win situation. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER! You got it? NEVER!


It is hard to gell when you cant' see the eyes.


How lovely and vibrant!!

My personal philosophy is to never ask a woman her age or her weight... 🙂...

Looking good!

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