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Rant: Georgia and Alabama has disgraced themselves. We know what they are doing with these abortion bills, to challenge Roe vs Wade so they can deny women control of their body, their lives. All just to appease sexists and their “pro-life” legions. What if a women who is 13 years old get attacked? What if a women miscarriages? Are they going to question her if she attempted an abortion adding more to her trauma? What if a women who miscarriage gets arrested because some jackass made abortion a crime? It all sickens me.

A woman has a right to control her body and her life. Let make it an amendment.

Tyrantmike 6 May 9

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm so damned sick of these guys trying to control women, taking away our body autonomy, and giving us less rights than a corpse.


Alabama Congress just had a shouting match and tabled it for now.

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