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Net Neutrality
I recently received the following letter. It concerns you guys over in America and is referring to one of your allegedly corrupt Senators.

It will however effect us all over the world.
I apologise in advance for reproducing a letter seeking donations to help prevent this abomination.

Net Neutrality Defense Team •

Just last year, a bipartisan majority in the U.S. Senate voted to overrule the FCC and restore net neutrality.

But now, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell won’t even allow a vote on the Save the Internet Act.1

We know why Mitch McConnell won’t let the Senate vote on net neutrality: he’s taken more than $1.1 MILLION from big ISPs. But Team Internet is not going to let one corrupt senator kill net neutrality.

Fight for the Future has launched a new campaign to do everything in our power to force Mitch McConnell to hold a vote on the Save the Internet Act. Will you chip in?


What’s the one thing Mitch McConnell cares about more than money?

The answer: Power. Mitch McConnell will do anything to keep his party in the majority and keep himself in power.

That’s why we have a real shot at forcing him to drop his stonewalling and allow the Senate to vote on the Save the Internet Act—because Republicans who are up for reelection in tight races next year simply can’t afford to be on the wrong side of an issue as popular as net neutrality.

We’ll make sure they’re feeling the pressure by funding on-the-ground organizers in states with persuadable Republicans and by rallying small, locally owned businesses to pressure their senators to vote to protect the free and open Internet.

Meanwhile, there’s a good chance that the FCC’s repeal of net neutrality will be thrown out by a federal judge because of how Ajit Pai cut corners and skipped legally required steps for issuing the regulation ending net neutrality. If that happens, Pai will be forced to begin the process of repealing net neutrality all over again—and we’ll be able to block him with just a simple majority vote using the Congressional Review Act.

Comcast thinks that they can count on Mitch McConnell to single-handedly block the Save the Internet Act. But they’ve got another thing coming.

Will you chip in to help demand Mitch McConnell allow a vote on the Save the Internet Act?

For the Internet,

Evan at Fight for the Future


1. The Hill: []


Fight for the Future works to protect your rights in the digital age.
PO Box 55071 #95005 Boston, MA 02205

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FrayedBear 9 May 12

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Sadly, ecosocietal issues are speculated by fake, speculative activism. #sciartsforterralife #stopfakeactivism

tipi Level 7 May 16, 2019
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