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I just had a political dispute on Facebook with a Trump supporter acquaintance of over 50 yrs, in which I ended saying, "I would fight against corrupt US politicians until I die, and if I were killed for being vocal, so be it. It would be a good way to die." He is a Viet Nam Vet Ranger and Copter pilot, who went back half a dozen times...IDK. Winding down. ty for listening.

EdEarl 8 Mar 9

Enjoy being online again!

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These are times that try our souls..2 of my older sibling are big Drumpf supporters..I called them and all of his suppoters out after the Charlottesville fiasco..said "if your grandfather or father fought in WW2 than you are an embarrassment to them." It didn't sit at all well with reaction was "truth hurts" huh?..Drumpfster fanatics really do believe in MAGA...smh.

My dad served in WWII, also. I agree, He would be furious.


Insidious ... feels more and more like we're moving to an authoritarian police state, particularly when you read about the way ICE is acting now. It's heartbreaking. I still trust that we won't go all the way there and will hopefully learn from this time how easy it is to migrate to the dark side.

I agree, we are in a police state already, but it may get worse. I hope there are enough rational people who will vote and turn things around. They are turning out to vote in recent elections, but they need to continue for some time. I'm not sure how long it will take, decades I suspect.


Having known him that long, it must have been difficult ... also recognizing the good in him when he is at this terrible point in supporting Trump. If it's any consolation, I just unfriended my sister on Facebook last week after she posted her response to the Parkland kids ... "I just joined the NRA to protect my freedom." For me, that was a bridge too far, but we haven't spoken in years anyway, since I'm a "libtard." Ty for listening back.

You are welcome. I understand breaking with siblings...I met him when I was a senior in HS, he lived across the street, but was younger...Hearing from him again was odd. I'd just phoned my senators and congressman about the Trump tax bill, and he found me in Facebook. He said that he knew AG/Senator Sessions. I suspect I was traced by staff and contacted as a subtle threat.

I can relate. I also unfriended my sister on FB because of the nasty comments that she put on my wall - not in a private message but on my wall for a hundred people to read. I have a couple of conservatives on my FB list but I do not look at their walls, I turned off notifications and just do an occasional private message. If someone is very racist, anti-woman, rabidly homophobic, etc., I have to walk away from them. There are some things I just can't handle.

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