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Do you buy the hype that glyphosate (Roundup) is safe? Watch this

TheoryNumber3 8 May 15

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I think it is directly related to autism. The graphs are nearly identical.
Same with adult asthma,... The shit is in breakfast cereal.


It is used to kill a life form. A weed killer. Do you think it just might not be good for animals??


Bullshit made by Monsanto poisoning people for 60+years like agent Orange

bobwjr Level 10 May 15, 2019

I do not believe greedy Monsanto executives or their lobbyists. Across the globe:

  1. Research shows Roundup destroys healthy microbes in humans and soil.

  2. Glyphosate in Roundup kills bees, destroying their ability to feed.

  3. Glyphosate can cause cancer in humans.

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