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Have any of you seen or been a part of a true miracle.

SaintJames 3 Mar 9

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Define "true miracle".

I've witnessed a few unexplained things. I don't regard that as a "miracle".

I've witnessed some unusual / coincidental / non-intuitive / unexpected things. I don't regard that as a "miracle".

I've witnessed some things that are really cool, like detergent getting the stains out of my clothes. Despite what the television commercials and ads claim, that's not a "miracle" either.

Indeed this points out that 98% of what we experience every day in our technological age would be considered "miraculous" or maybe "magic" by someone who lived a hundred years ago. They'd have no explanation or frame of reference to mentally grasp it. Of course someone from 1918 experiencing 2018 technology might at least suspect it was just applied science -- but show someone from 1718 what it's like to live in 2018 and they'd probably be absolutely convinced that it's witchcraft of some kind. Because god. Or Satan. Or something.


As a true miracle has to come from a supernatural cause, no. I have seen many things for which the odds of its happening were very low.

gearl Level 8 Mar 10, 2018

My answer is Yes, and soon you will see the "Serious" responces I get once more people read the post.


Nope ... can't really be a serious question .


No nor is there any such thing.

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