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I can justify the belief in aliens more than deities. As our planet is currently on fire, would an alien species save us despite our habit of destroying the very planet we inhabit?

mt4704 4 May 22

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What would be the upside for the aliens, much less all the other species which inhabit this planet?

Exactly. People are killing each other to prove their god is love, to borrow from Jim Gaffigan. If we are 'saved' by another species, it might not be for the better.


Cool cat, btw.


Maybe aliens, if a far superior, advanced super-race (or MANY such races spanning the universe), ARE the true god. After all, if you redefine 'god' as not necessarily always existing, but as coming INTO existence billions of years ago, eons before we came along, with advances in knowledge, technology, cybernetics, artificial intelligence, extra-dimensional travel, immortal life, ad infinitum, there is no comprehending the potential scope of their power. I doubt they're fighting galactic wars or such nonsense---they would have screened that out of their DNA a long, long time ago.
BUT, would they intervene to save the planet and/or us from ourselves? I don't know. There must be untold planets like this one. And anyway, it would eventually recover if we destroyed it. Why would they care if one tiny, childish, ignorant, and marginally intelligent species finished itself off? Maybe the strong, smart, enlightened, successful planetary denizens survive on their own. Maybe we're just beyond hope.
Maybe the explanation of 'god' which seems to disprove gods' very existence is actually the correct one: maybe god just doesn't care about human suffering. If humans fail, what of it? They are perhaps ready to assist if we prove ourselves worthy of assistance. But if our genetic codes are irredeemably messed up, the reasoning goes, or for some other reason we constitute a failed experiment in, say, alien-ape cross-breeding, or some other procedure, so be it. Pull the plug and let it collapse of its own weight. Start over.
Lots of different possibilities. That's why I'm agnostic.

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