"While we waste our time hesitating and postponing, life is slipping away".
Seneca, Roman philosopher, on procrastination.
when we go out and do something we think is pro-active & important, life is still slipping away.
but if we stay busy maybe we don't notice it as much.
TS Elliot said, to para: the main cause of so much strife & suffering in the world is man's inability to sit in a quiet room by himself & do nothing.
Tomorrow is an opiate to people such as I,
For procrastination is our bent. “Today is far too nigh
For decisions of such import. The facts need to be weighed
And analysed. Tomorrow should be when the choice is made.”
With words like these we justify inaction all day long.
Then, come midnight, it’s tomorrow, but we’re scared of being wrong,
For the present’s always present, so we dither in the sun
Until once again it’s nightfall, and nothing’s yet been done.
And when, at last, tomorrow to yesterday has passed,
Our twenty/twenty hindsight will make things clear at last.
“Too late today is over, we’ve missed our golden chance
But perhaps we’ll get another one, tomorrow, perchance.”
Petter Finne, non-Roman philosopher/poet!